Many external links may be obsolete -- if you have updates, please send.What's New:14 Nov 2003: CrozzWord 1.4: display and solve crossword puzzles and cryptics23 Nov 2002: CrozzWord was awarded 1st place in Entertainment/Educational/Multimedia category in JPDA 2002 Application Developers Contestsponsored by Insignia Solutions, HP, Intel, Metrowerks, Sharp, Softbank Publishing and Sun Microsystems.14 Jul: added CountDown, Hanoi,Life, Mines,Pico Fermi Bagels, Turtle21 Jan: DocReader 1.118 Jan: first versionsApps eBooks IDE Waba LinksCrozzWordCrozzWord is a Zaurus application for displaying and solving crossword puzzles:features, screenshots, download.IntroductionSharp's Zaurus (SL-5000D) is a Linux-based PDA/"Personal Mobile Tool" --see links for introductory info (reviews) and technical details (Sharp).The Zaurus ("Z") primarily supports Qtopia(C++) environment and Personal Java ("PJ") (along with some other languages).This page provides links to some current PJ applicationsand tools that I'm working on or considering.ApplicationsAs learning exercises, I have converted several of my "standard" apps to Personal Java.Personal Java source for earlier version "1.0" available for some;some Waba 1.0 .ipk available too.CountDown 1.1ecountdown_1.1_arm.ipk Z install [6K] Z install [6K].zip 1.0 PJ source [3K].htm description, browser applet(Waba)Hanoi 1.1hanoisw_1.1_arm.ipk Z install [9K] Z install [9K].htm description, browser applet(Waba)Life 1.1lifesw_1.1_arm.ipk Z install [10K] Z install [10K].htm description, browser applet(Waba)Mines 1.1 (MineSweeper)minesw_1.1_arm.ipk Z install [10K] Z install [10K].zip 1.0 PJ source [7K].htm description, browser applet(Waba)PFB 1.1 (Pico Fermi Bagels)picofermibagels_1.1_arm.ipk Z install [7K] Z install [7K].zip 1.0 PJ source [3K].htm description, browser applet(Waba)Turtle 1.1turtle_1.1_arm.ipk Z install [11K] Z install [11K].htm description, browser applet(Waba)Crypto, Jumble, SproingWaba versions plus 1.0 Waba versions of above apps(I may convert remainder to PJ at some point)eBooksI've ported an eBook reader (for Palm DOC format) -- DocReader by Chris Wong --with a few minor fixes so that it opens properly on Z's smaller screen and avoids somecompiler warnings. It works best with plain DOC format, though will alsodisplay TealDoc and RichReader (along with markup/format codes) and AportisDoc.Bookmarks are typically marked by (bm) or ----- before headings.Highlight range of text to copy to clipboard. Scrolling via , scrollbar .With repeated single-line scroll via scrollbar, I noticed some occasional hang problems (low memory?turning off/on Z seemed to clear); also "page" by tapping in bar area doesn't appear to work.Use 2D hardware button and soft keys (Home, End, Page Up/Down, arrows).DocReader21 Jan: 1.1Prefs button added: set Documents directory (RAM, CF, SD), change font name/size (only Serif, SanSerif supported?)file dialog filter: displays only .pdb, .prc filesmodified author, version infoQuit button removed; use "x" to close.ipk Z install [27K].zip PJ source [24K]18 Jan: DocReader 1.0first Zauruus versionIf you download books, e.g., from MemoWare,and sync these to Documents, here's where the files will probably go:extensionMIME type (Z dirs).prcapplication/octet-stream.pdbchemical/x-pdbAny other eBook formats of interest, other sites, free readers (preferably w/ PJ-compatible source)?IDEWabaFor greater cross-platform availability --to systems where Personal Java isn't available/feasible --the Waba subset/VM is now available for the Zaurus.This means that the same .class files (appropriately packaged) for an app canrun on desktop, Zaurus, Palm, WinCE, DOS, Newton, ... anywhere there's a Waba VM.Waba apps use the Java language and can be developed using a standard JDK,but use a very restricted set of methods from java.lang.Object, .String, .StringBuffer;waba.ui.* instead of AWT; no doubles, longs, threads or exceptions; etc.I assume that most developers would prefer to use Personal Java directly,but if Waba's portability outweighs its limitations, here are some brief steps for using it:IDE: create your app, using WabaSDK;note: fixed versions of waba.jar, wextra.jar, Warp, Exegen, GUI incl. sourceZ: install Waba VM .ipk [36K]; this is basically just a library (waba.jar), though you can run WabaVM from Jeode menu to verify that it's installedZ: install wextra lib .ipk [29K]; ditto: wextra.jar; required for my apps, otherwise optionalZ: install Waba app(s) (notes/examples below)Z: run Waba app from Jeode menuNote: a Waba app is packaged in .ipk like any PJ app; the main difference is that the run fileincludes the VM and library .jar files in the classpath,and specifies waba.applet.Applet as main class, with your class as parameter;this assumes that any libraries, i.e., waba (and wextra if required), are installed in same store(internal, cf, card) as the app (e.g., Hanoi):. /home/QtPalmtop/bin/$QPEDIR/bin/evm -XappName=runHanoi -cp $INSTALLDIR/java/waba.jar:$INSTALLDIR/java/wextra.jar:$INSTALLDIR/java/Hanoi.jar waba.applet.Applet HanoiExample apps (require waba and wextra):Crypto.ipk Z install [6K]Hanoi.ipk Z install [5K]Jumble.ipk Z install [5K]Life.ipk Z install [5K]Sproing.ipk Z install [5K]Turtle.ipk Z install [6K]CountDown, Mines, PFBPJ versionsCountDown, Crypto, Hanoi, Jumble, Life, Mines, PFB, Sproing, TurtleSteve's Waba App Page;includes source and browser-based versions100 Waba appsIf others developers find Waba useful, I'd be willing to answer a few questionsand document more; perhaps in future, provide SuperWaba compatibility when that system is more 'final'?Useful News, Files, Forumsearly reviews: LinuxDevices,PenComputing,,PalmStationThis site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit Here.Top Apps eBooks IDE Waba LinksLast Updated: 31-Jul-2012
FBReader is a lightweight, multi-platform ebook reader, free but not open-source, supporting various formats like ePub, fb2, mobi, rtf, html etc. It includes access to popular network libraries from where you can download ebooks for free or buy one.
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Lucidor is a handy e-book reader supporting epub file formats and catalogs in OPDS formats. It also features organizing the collection of e-books in local bookcase, searching and downloading from the internet, and converting web feeds and web pages into e-books.
To download the memo notes you have to get the MemoDB. The file downloaded (MemoDB.pdb in this case) is in the .pdb (Palm OS Database Files) format. To extract a text file, you have to use the specific utilities pilot-memos (to download) and pilot-install-memo (to upload):
Please Note: For ease of download, these files have been compressed in ZIP format, requiring the use of WinZip or other zip-compatible extraction utility before installing using the Palm Desktop software.
Foxit Reader is another top-tier alternative to the Adobe Reader, and comes with many of the features that Sumatra PDF lacks. As a trade-off, it is neither as lightweight, nor as fast, but is perhaps, the best option if you want anything more than barely opening and reading PDF documents.Not only can Foxit Reader annotate PDF documents, it also allows users to fill PDF forms making it stand out from most of its free competitors. The program also offers a Safe Reading Mode that shields users from malicious links within PDF documents and provides control over JavaScript integration.As can be seen from the image above, Foxit Reader also has an MS Office-like ribbon-based interface, which makes the learning curve much less steep for people using the program for the first-time.It also comes with a a variety of free downloadable addons that allows users to convert PDFs to other document file formats (and vice versa) by integrating into the Windows Explorer context menu. Overall, the program is one of the best, most powerful, flexible and customizable PDF readers available today, and should be more than enough for 99% of users.
Pros:Free to download and use
Supports PDF annotation
A safe reading mode for preventing malicious attacks
Supports addons for improving features
Cons:Not as light or as fast as Sumatra PDF
Download Foxit Reader (Free)3. PDF X-Change EditorPDF Exchange Editor is yet another excellent choice as an Adobe Reader replacement. It comes in both paid and free avatars, and while the paid versions offer premium features, the free version is also fairly feature-packed when compared to some of the other programs in the market.With the free version, you can not only insert or extract pages, but it also comes with a great little feature called OCR (optical character recognition) that allows you to scan any printed document and save the text as a PDF.
Pros:Modern user interface
Small download size (only 2.5 MB)
Free for non-commercial use
Supports multiple languages
Cons:Lacks pro features
Download STDU Viewer (Free)5. Nitro PDF ViewerNitro PDF Reader is a full-featured PDF viewer that, unlike PDF X-Change, allows users to also create PDF files from scratch. Like Foxit Reader, it also comes with an interface that resembles MS Office, and allows users to annotate, highlight and add sticky notes to the documents you open.One of its unique features is a split-screen view that allows users to compare two different PDF files side-by-side. The program also comes with drag-and-drop support, allowing users to quickly create new PDF file by simply dragging any document on the Nitro desktop icon. 2ff7e9595c